Cybersecurity Rapid Assessment®

Quickly identify your risks and learn how to remediate gaps

Are you confident in your cybersecurity program?

Organizations of all sizes face growing cybersecurity threats, from ransomware attacks to social engineering campaigns. 使这些挑战更加复杂的是法规遵从性需求的增加, 旨在保护敏感数据和知识产权不落入坏人之手. With cyberattacks at an all-time high, 您需要直接了解您的安全程序的强度,以及如何保持其有效性.

If you struggle with cybersecurity controls and compliance, or don’t know where you stand, RSM US LLP’s cybersecurity Rapid Assessment can provide the insight and detail you need.

RSM定制的网络安全评估确定了您的风险暴露, 包括对潜在过程差距和实际行动计划的建议, 并为您提供组织网络安全成熟度的高级视图. Key deliverables include:

Key deliverables

How a cybersecurity Rapid Assessment can help protect your business

The cybersecurity Rapid Assessment 为你目前的安全计划建立基线是否特别有益, 将你的成熟度与同行进行比较,找出弱点的关键点. 它还揭示了差距是否源于人员、流程或技术方面的弱点. 这有助于您的组织确定修复领域的优先级,并在最需要的地方分配vwin娱乐场官方.

Who needs a Rapid Assessment?

According to the RSM美国中端vwin娱乐场官方业务指数网络安全特别报告 近68%的受访高管预计,未经授权的用户今年将试图破坏他们的数据或系统. A cybersecurity Rapid Assessment 能否帮助您的组织更好地了解您的安全计划,并与关键涉众沟通计划的成熟度, clients and vendors. Since the Rapid Assessment covers a wide range of security controls, your organization can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, plan accordingly and mark progress over time.

What’s included?

RSM’s Rapid Assessment 包括信息安全评估和我们的网络威胁情报服务, 所有这些都是根据您的行业和特定安全问题的独特需求量身定制的.

  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework assessment: This assessment, 基于国家标准与技术研究院建立的框架, is an interview-based review of your security controls. 每个控制的有效性是通过评估其策略来确定的, 程序和正式的治理以及它的技术实现. 对所有控制的评估提供了对安全程序成熟度的洞察.
  • Cyberthreat intelligence services: 几乎所有从公司窃取的数据都位于深网和暗网, 如果没有高水平的知识和经验,很难进入和导航的领域. 我们调查这些领域和常见的威胁行为者通信平台,以确定攻击者目前是否针对您的组织或行业.

Above all, RSM strives to meet our No. 1 goal: customer satisfaction. We achieve this through three principles:


Related security services

In addition to the services offered through our cybersecurity Rapid Assessment, 我们为希望深入了解其保安计划某些方面的客户提供以下附加服务:

  • Strategic and operational planning: Through this process, 我们的团队发现了需要更好地保护关键数据和系统的领域, 并提供有价值的数据分析和计划,使您的安全计划与您的公司使命保持一致. 使用此服务来加强安全和风险管理计划,并将其纳入当前和未来的预算, while also analyzing security spending, evaluating the effectiveness of your security projects, 并确定安全人员是否得到了适当的利用.
  • Incident response tabletop: 这些会议是基于讨论的模拟,将事件响应计划(irp)应用于实际场景. 这些练习的目标是更好地理解当前存在的事件响应文档, including procedures for notification, escalation and containment, 并评估你的员工如何应对安全事件. 这项服务包括审查从模拟中吸取的经验教训. Having a tested IRP, 以及熟悉与此计划相关的政策和程序的人员, can reduce the impact of security events.
  • Firewall assessment: Firewalls are often the first line of defense for a network, but often exhibit significant weaknesses, making attacks that much easier. 防火墙评估逐行分析您的配置,确保它符合最佳实践并利用有效的加固技术.

Ready to get started? Contact our risk advisory professionals today.

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